100k memories saved!

Seems like just yesterday we were at 50,000 memories, or, heck, even 10,000 memories.

Today, it’s with a blushing smile to share that we’ve reached 100k worldwide memories. What an incredible journey it’s been!

Here’s a pretty graph:


A few ups and downs along the way, but it’s been a steady and manageable pace.

Rome wasn’t built in a single day or by a single person. And similarly, this road couldn’t have been ridden without the great supportive friends whom I’ve made along the way:

  • firstly, the incredible Dotty and Jon from Bonjournal have been like app siblings as we share war stories about developing and growing our sites; they’ve also been so gracious to lend their keen eye for design to help make a graphic for this milestone. Big big thanks, and if you haven’t checked out their gorgeous app yet, do it now.
  • Kristin, because social media is hard and you make it easy.
  • Zach, who’s been a goldmine of great copy and ideas.
  • Dan, who wrote the very first iTunes review and has since become a friend who’s rocking his own great community over at Tangents & Distractions.
  • and, oldies but goodies: James, Darius, Karl, Bryan, Yukari.

By no way is this an exhaustive list, and if you’re reading this, you’re very likely someone who’s made a difference in both the continued growth and development of the idea of the little memory.

Please keep spreading the word, and I’ll see you all soon at 500k. :)