
world public

anonymous memories from around the world.

seems like they felt kind of...

  • upset
5 days ago
Holy hail damage Batman!

seems like they felt kind of...

  • upset
  • anxious
  • affectionate
  • proud
13 days ago
a man named jake curled himself around me in every hour of the morning. he woke me with water-sweet kisses. my neck is bruised deep and sore from his attentions. he leaves and i shove my bed back into place. he leaves and i stew in a light panic the whole day. it’s a beach day—ava and elaine and a girl named jess and i go to rockaway. i’m trying so hard to be polite and likable. i don’t think i succeed, but it’s hard when i’m so anxious my skin hurts. the skin under my eyes, my upper lip. raw and keening and fragile like the rest of me. so i drink a cold brew because i am fucking stupid and wonder what’s happening to me when i cant stop bouncing my leg and spiraling. i think i’ve developed a kind of health anxiety and it’s so, so bad today.
14 days ago
Twenty year old Cuban Partagas. Don’t mind if I do!
18 days ago
i got cigarettes today. because i wanted to
20 days ago
life is beautiful because you make it